If you need advice about the best ways to resolve problems related to a probation violation, contact the Annapolis law firm of Cochran and Chhabra, LLC for a free consultation. Our lawyers can advise you about your risk of jail or prison on new charges, or help you explain technical violations of your release at a revocation hearing. Because probationary sentences so often represent a favorable resolution to serious criminal charges, we are thoroughly committed to helping our clients find ways to avoid the worst consequences of a violation.
Technical Probation Violations
In many situations, your ability to resolve technical violations of probation terms — missing an appointment, failing a drug test or even forgetting to notify the probation office of a change of address — will depend on your attorney's ability to deal effectively with your probation officer, a county prosecutor or a judge. You are protected neither by the presumption of innocence nor by any need on the prosecution's part to prove the violation beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, your most effective resources will be your lawyer's advice and experience on behalf of people in similar situations in the different counties of Maryland.
The primary strategy for resolving probation violations of a technical nature is to give the people who gave you a break in the first place good reasons for continuing to do so. Our attorneys can present your situation in a positive light and make the most of what we have to work with to keep your probationary status in effect.
New Criminal Offenses And Probation Violations
Probation violations based on new criminal offenses present a more serious situation. Your plea options will be narrowed by the threat of activating a suspended sentence on the previous charge, and there's a risk you'll serve your sentences consecutively rather than together if convicted on the new charge.
Our trial experience can maximize your ability to develop and present an effective defense on the new allegations, and our ability to coordinate your strategies on the new offense with our approach to your previous probation problem can ensure that your interests will be protected to the greatest extent possible on both fronts.
Contact Our Attorneys About Probation Revocation And Your Case
Each client's situation is different, so it is impossible to generalize about the most effective strategies for resolving a particular problem with a probation officer. For specific advice about your probation violation problem, contact the Annapolis defense lawyers at Cochran and Chhabra, LLC.